Non profit
Italy: International initiatives on CSR and its local impact
The workshop aims at discussing the role and possible interaction that the European policies on CSR have at local level.
di Staff
The Global Compact Network Italy and the Organisations for Economic Cooperation and Development will present the workshop The European Union and International Initiatives on CSR:a dialogue on local impact
10.30-13.00 Welcome Note
Alessia Sabbatino, Head of corporate Citizenship Programs, Fondaca
Marco Frey, Chiarperson, Global Compact Network Italy
Sue Bird, European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities
Sergio Arzeni, Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Local Development, OECD
Facilitor: Antonella Noya, Senior Policy Analyst at the LEED Programme OECD
13.00-14.00 Lunch and Networking
14.00- 16.00 General Debate
Facilitor: Giovanni Moro, President FONDACA
16.00-16.15 Closing Remarks
The workshop will be in English.
Contact Laura Lamberti ( + to confirm your partecipation.
Date and Venues: 10th December, Adecco Career Centre, Viale Ligura 24
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