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Italy: Good internships abroad

107 opportunities for students seeking internships abroad.

di Staff

Aiesec is the largest youth-run organisation in the world and is present in 1600 universities worldwide. It is also one of the world’s oldest and offers thousands of students the opportunity of gaining leadership qualities through practical work experiences abroad.

Applications are now open for all Italian students wishing to spend 6 to 18 weeks working on “good” projects in one of the 107 countries its network covers starting December 2010. There are a range of internship programmes, one of them will no doubt fit your profile.

Opportunities include working in:

Russia in the field of cultural education, ecology, entrepreneurship and IT training.

Portugal in a project managed by the UN’s Millennium Development Goals.

Ukraine in a project called “world without borders” focusing on integration and sustainability.

Egypt organising workshops to share and explain the value of multiculturalism.

China working in schools to teach small children the benefits of low carbon lifestyles.


To participate write to or visit the website

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