Non profit

Italy: Giorgio Capurri, CSR manager for Unicredit Group

Giorgio Capurri, 45, is corporate social responsibility manager for Italy’s UniCredit Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in Italy and Europe

di Staff

Giorgio Capurri, 45, is corporate social responsibility manager for Italy?s UniCredit Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in Italy and Europe with a network of 9,000 branches, representative offices and small banking subsidiaries in 50 countries worldwide.

How long have you been working in CSR and where?
I?ve been working in CSR for about 1 year and always in Italy.

What is your background and what brought you to take an interest in CSR?
Prior to my current position I worked in investment banking. I started with CSR after taking a sabbatical year in which I followed a Masters Degree in environmental management. Why? That was my main interest and I was tired with trading!

How would you define CSR in Italy today?
It is somewhat righteous and still hasn?t found a clear direction. CSR is seen as if it were a fad that is quickly going out of style instead of a question of business integrity.

What do you think are the main challenges that CSR faces?
In a sentence? Being able to integrate a CSR approach to daily business instead of addressing the stakeholder with CSR initiatives that aren?t linked to core business.

What have you learned so far by working in CSR?
One of the things I have learned is that it is harder than I though to actually integrate concepts such as ?social? and ?responsibility? into a modern business. I believe that the key element that must be built on to achieve real CSR is the internal awareness of business organizations.

What, in your opinion, is the potential for partnerships to be established between the profit and the non profit sector?
Partnership is very important, UniCredit has had good experiences in the past and we believe that it is a good way of engaging with our stakeholders. It is especially crucial as a means of living up to stakeholders? expectations.

Do you have any specific websites to suggest to our readers?
No specific website? I believe that real CSR is on newspapers and in magazines, where one can find real actions as opposed to communications strategies!

To contact Giorgio Capurri please write to

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