
Italy: Conference on national youth service

Dame Elisabeth Hoodless, one of the biggest figures in the UK third sectors, summarises the recent international conference on volunteering held in Padua

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The Italian government convened an international conference on national youth service in Padua on 15 June 2007. The aim was to develop a plan for mutual co-operation and expansion including volunteer exchange initiatives.

Speakers included the Italian minister for social services, the directors of the French and Italian programmes, Laurence Vagnier and Diego Cipriani, together with Dame Elisabeth Hoodless (UK). Three volunteers spoke including CSV Victoria Heard who had just completed a year supporting students with disabilities at the University of Bradford.

Pascal Lejeune, European Commission Head of Unit, Youth Programme, announced an extension of the European Voluntary Service to groups of young people in addition to individuals.

Dame Elisabeth Hoodless is the Executive Director of Community Service Volunteers (CSV), the UK?s largest volunteering and training charity. As Executive Director she presides over an organisation of 780 employees and an annual turnover of £33 million.

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