Non profit

Italy: Campaign raises lucky euros for cancer research

The National institute for cancer research, based in Milan, launches a fund raising campaign to bring in 'lucky euros'

di Staff

One euro brings good luck to cancer research. Under this slogan funds are being raised across Lombardy for Irccs, Italy's National institute for cancer research that is based in Milan.

Behind the campaign is an Italian entrepreneur, Claudio Giulianian, and the support of two banks, the Bpci (The people?s Trade and Industry Bank) and Sella.

The campaign has been a huge success online, even though 400 money boxes have been strategically placed in retail outlets, pharmacies and banks across the region.

The list of supporters includes many well-known brand names, including Assofood Milano, Class Editori (a publishing house), Coop, Ducati, Il Sole 24Ore (economy newspaper), Vodafone, Radio 105, Radio Monte Carlo and Radio 24. The logos of the brands are on display on the campaign?s website while news and fundraising information can be found on the websites of the participating brands that are in turn linked up to the campaign website.

Finally, no fundraising campaign these days would be complete without the mobile phone option, so donations can also be made by calling 892234 to donat 1 euro or 48535 to donate 3 euros.

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