
Italy: Call for proposal to research efficiency

The call for proposal was issued on the 27th September and will allocate more than 1 million euros for research on energy efficiency

di Staff

The Italian Ministry of the Environment has announced a call for proposal for the realization of energetic analysis in service and public administration sectors. 1.500.000 euros have been allocated for the call for proposal.

This demonstrated the government?s support of energetic analysis and energy saving and its belief that this can be carried out both in the tertiary and public administration sector.

Companies that produce electric energy and companies operating in the sector of energetic services can file for the application. For more information visit:

Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, minister and green politician, says that ?The new call for proposal confirms the substantial attention that we are giving to efficiency and renewable sources?.

?Energetic analysis are a fundamental part of the rationalisation of electric energy consumptions in our country,? continued Scanio. The struggleto reduce electric energy waste and investments on efficiency are a priority, as indicated by the European Union. Rationalizing electricity consumptions is the first step to reduce Co2 emissions and to oppose climate changes while guaranteeing household economic savings too.

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