
Italy: Biodiversity, Federparchi Group is born

Federparchi has created a working group on biodiversity

di Redazione

Federparchi, a group, formed by parks and main environmental associations representatives (WWF, Legambiente, Lipu), has created a working group on biodiversity. In its first meeting, the group has done a series of operational proposals starting from the preparation of a strategic document on Biodiversity in Italy. The document implements the programme ?Countdown 2010?, which aims at bringing international community stop by 2010 the loss of biodiversity. In this context a series of educational tools for schools and public initiatives towards citizens have been identified. These tools will be first implemented on the occasion of the World Day on Biodiversity that will take place on May 22nd . Another important deadline will be the 5th Congress on Federparchi, that will take place at the Etna Park from the 1st to the 4th of June, focusing on Biodiversity.

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