
Italy: 62000 Co-operatives work in the country

According to a report of Union Camere, in Italy there are 62000 Co-operatives, 94% of which with prevailing mutuality

di Redazione

The second report of Unioncamere (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Trade, Craft and Agriculture ) on the co-operatives shows that more than 62000 companies, which sum up to about the 1.2% of all the Italian companies, are co-operatives. Of these, about 93.8% will be able to access to fiscal benefits for co-peratives with prevailing mutuality. These fiscal benefits can be used by those companies which revenues are distributed to shareholders, consumers and users, as stated by the Reform of the 2004 Civil Code. Of these 62.000 co-operatives, more than 58.000 have prevailing mutuality; 48.528 are those whose prevailing mutuality is stated in their statute and then there are other co-operatives whose praviling mutuality is set by special laws. While there is a minor group of co-operatives, considered ?different?; and a small amount (196) which do not have access to the Reform of the 2004 Civil Code.

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