Italy: 500 thousand euros for cooperation

Five projects in five countries around the world will be financed by the Region of Lombardy, Italy

di Staff

Five big development projects of will be undertaken in five countries around the world thanks to 505.371 euros that Lombardy's regional council, following a proposal put through by Roberto Formigoni, president of the region, has decided to allocate to entities and associations with experience in this field.

The value of the projects, that will be carried out in cooperation and in co-financing with several associations, is of nearly 900 thousand euros.

Below are the details of the projects financed, each for around 100 thousand euros:

Lebanon: the project Litani river of the coexistence will be carried out by Avsi and by a local partner, the Water Energy, as well as the Environment Research Centre at Notre Dame University. The objective is to support and promote the use of natural resources and to give value to cultural resources as a unifying and growth factor among the local population.

Lebanon: the Red Cross' provincial committee in Milan will carry out a project called Activity of Social welfare and health service activities for Lebanese war victims. The objective is to improve health conditions of the people injured in the war between the State of Israel and the State of Lebanon and to follow up the assistance they had previously received.

Kenya: in Africa the Lombardy Region has carried out about 90 projects in five years. A new school will be built in Nairobi. It will admit 400 children and will be built by an association called San Carlo per il mondo Onlus (San Carlo for the world) in cooperation with Urafiki Foundation Cowa.

Brazil: Consob. Consorzio baiano di commercio solidale (Consob. Bahia?s consortium of fair trade) has the objective of creating a fair trade consortium, on a regional scale, of the products of the small farmers and of the craftsmen of Bahia. It will be carried out by Progetto Sud Uil ( Project South Uil) in cooperation with Minarte, Centro Servizi per l?artigianato minerale ( Centre of Services for the mineral craft) and with the Government of the Bahia State.

Venezuela: the project Programme for training educators in Venezuela has the objective of training educators. It completes a previous project of building an educational centre in Caracas and will be carried out by ASLA in cooperation with the Icaro.

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