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One day on earth

The world's story is yours to tell

di Ottavia Spaggiari

It’s called “One day”, but don’t worry, this time you won’t see  Anne Hathaway smiling and crying on screen, because although the title is similar, One day on earth is not a romantic comedy, but an opportunity to tell the millions of untold stories taking place on earth during a 24 hour period.

On 11.11.11, filmmakers, students and regular citizens from all over the world will record human experience as they see it, over a 24 hour period, giving their contribution to the second annual global day of media creation One day on earth and creating a shared geo-tagged video archive and a film.

The project aims to showcase the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy and triumph, occurring in just one day. One Day on Earth’s first media creation event was founded in 2008 and occurred on 10.10.10. The event was the first ever simultaneous filming event occurring in every country of the world.

Other related events are being organized to support “One day on earth”. Live from the HUB Helsinki, Jyri and Pedro, consultants from Silo, the Finnish consultant agency  which operates through creative thinking, design and coaching in order make employee and client happiness a priority, will offer their consulting services for free to social start ups.

From midnight to midnight on November 11th they’ll be broadcasting the event from their website  and anyone who has an idea they want to realize or anyone who needs a professional opinion can talk to them.

“We believe that we can make the world better by making businesses better.” They say on their website.

Are you a social entrepreneur? Check out

Are you a filmmaker, a student or simply an inspired citizen?  Start filming!

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