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Serbia commits to Romani rights

14 million euros have been allocated to improving access to rights of Roma people.

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The Working Group on Roma Issues working under the auspices of the United Nations team in Serbia greeted the plan presented by the Government of Serbia to ear-mark 14 million euros from the 2009 Budget to improve the living conditions of Roma in Serbia.

“The decision confirms that the Government of Serbia is determined to dedicate serious efforts to the solution of the numerous problems faced by the Roma minority in Serbia. The decision is all more important because it was made at a time when Serbia holds the presidency of the Decade of Roma Inclusion” the Working Group said in a public statement.

The Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005–2015 is an unprecedented political commitment by governments in Central and Southeastern Europe to improve the socio-economic status and social inclusion of Roma within a regional framework. The Decade focuses on the priority areas of education, employment, health, and housing, and commits governments to take into account the other core issues of poverty, discrimination, and gender mainstreaming.

Roma are the most vulnerable minority in Serbia. They live in very poor conditions, often denied access to basic human rights. The displacement of a great number of Roma from Kosovo during the 1999 conflict further deteriorated the living conditions for the Roma who lack proper personal documents and live in sub-par settlements.

“The decision to deal with problems of housing and education for Roma people is a step forward toward better living conditions and elimination of problems for the Roma”, commented the Working Group.


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