Non profit
Irish Aid’s volunteering fair proves a major success
The initiative was fostered to promote volunteering and realize the matching between organizations and volunteers.
di Staff
The volunteering fair on April 18 proved a real success, reported yesterday the Irish Aid agency, promoter of the initiative.
Irish Aid, the Government’s programme for overseas development, hosted the fair in order to promote public interest in volunteering and facilitate a responsible approach by those considering giving of their time and energy.
In total, 24 organisations hosted stands at the fair in Irish Aid‘s Volunteering and Information Centre on Dublin’s O’Connell Street. The fair was visited by more than 400 people over the course of the day, with many spending the whole afternoon at the centre.
Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power said the fact that 24 organisations took part underscored the cooperative nature of the work being carried out by voluntary organisations and NGO’s.
“At Irish Aid, we are keen to ensure that people who decide to volunteer overseas get the best information available and work with the organisation which is most suited to their particular skills and needs. In this way, volunteering can be a worthwhile and enriching experience for both parties,” he said.
All of the organisations represented said they were impressed with the calibre of potential applicants, who included forensic scientists, architects, engineers and pilots.
Many of those who attended were interested in long-term volunteering opportunities, while short-term options were also explored.
Those who were unable to attend the fair on April 18 should visit for an interactive introduction to volunteering and details on opportunities, upcoming events and to see the Code of Good Practice in relation to volunteering.
Cosa fa VITA?
Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.