Non profit

Ireland: new website maps funding opportunities

A new website that provides information on hundreds of funding sources has been launched in the Republic of Ireland

di Olivia McConhay

The service,, will offer information on grants from local and central government, the EU, independent foundations and corporate trusts.

The website has been developed by non-profit support body the Wheel, and is intended to allow charities to search for grants that best suit their funding needs.

“It is essential for non-profit organisations to explore all potential funding sources in the current economic climate,” said Deirdre Garvey, chief executive officer of the Wheel. “Fundingpoint provides the most user-friendly way for Irish community and voluntary organisations to investigate new funding opportunities.”It is also a valuable service to grant-makers who wish to present their funding schemes to a wider group of potential beneficiaries.”

The project is funded by the Vodafone Ireland Foundation.

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