Non profit

Ireland: CNM’s Irish Directory updated

The Centre for Nonprofit Management (CNM) has just launched the updated version of its Directory of the Irish Nonprofit Sector with more that 3,700 organisations

di Vita Sgardello

The Centre for Nonprofit Management (CNM) has just launched the updated version of its Directory of the Irish Nonprofit Sector. This Directory is the most comprehensive map of its kind in Ireland and contains details of more that 3,700 non-profit organisations.

The CNM is based within the School of Business at Dublin?s Trinity College and supports and develops research, education and dialogue about the Third Sector providing managerial support to over 1000 non-profit agencies a year. Through the adoption of a multi-disciplinary approach the CNM believes it can contribute to a better understanding of the non-profit sector in Ireland.

Until 2006, when the CNM launched its first Directory, there was no nationally-available or complete database of non-profit organisations in the Republic of Ireland. The aim of the Directory was to assess how many and what types of organisations made up the non-profit sector in Ireland. Following the most rigorous research methods, that included a postal survey of over 24,000 non-profit organisations, the CNM collected data that was made available in CD-Rom version. A report explaining the findings and research methods can also be downloaded from the social science research network.

The Irish third sector was found to be a vibrant one, but one where the roles performed are complex as much as undefined. Non profit organisations in Ireland see themselves as having an important role to play in the development of social capital, although active citizenship is seen to be limited to volunteering. Among the main areas they were found to operate in were education, sports and recreation as well as economic, social and community development.

The recently updated version of the Directory is now available through a link in the existing Directory. It is a valuable resource for individual organisations wishing to know more about the sector they work in as well as for academics undertaking research and private sector organisations looking to invest in the Irish third sector.

If you do not currently have the original CNM Directory a copy of the CD-Rom can be ordered directly from the Centre. The cost of the Directory (including postage) is as follows: Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector Organisations ?20.00; Public Sector Organisations ?100.00; Corporate/Private Sector Organisations ?100.00.


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