IRELAND: Changes to social economy sector
The new Social Economy Network in Northern Ireland has become an incorporated body and is expected to be fully operational in November
The thriving social economy sector in Northern Ireland is undergoing big changes. The network of social economy organisations, which includes social enterprises, co-operatives, housing associations, credit unions and support organisations, has become a incorporated body and has held elections for membership of its board. The new Social Economy Network is in the process of appointing staff and finding premises.
Meanwhile Northern Ireland?s Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is conducting the first ever major postal survey of social enterprises in Northern Ireland to collect information about the size and scale of the social economy.
As part of the exercise, which will now be conducted every two years, questionnaires were sent out to around 800 social enterprises in September 2006. By gathering information on the turnover, social benefits, products and employment figures of social enterprises, the survey will form part of the government’s objective to increase awareness and understanding of social economy enterprise activity in Northern Ireland.
The results are expected to be published in February 2007.
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