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International day for the abolition of slavery
The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, recalls the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
di Staff
The trafficking in persons (TIP) protocol, which supplements the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, is an important multilateral component of the worldwide effort to combat modern-day slavery. It seeks to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and promote anti-trafficking cooperation among nations.
In recent years governments and citizens and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have begun to awake to the problem of modern-day slavery. But more needs to be done as the struggle will be a long one.
The U.S. Government can engage governments, we can seek to educate people around the world, but the fight to end modern slavery depends on the involvement of NGOs, citizens, individual diplomats, business people, all of us committed to ending this human rights abuse. The goal is abolition so all people may enjoy freedom, health, and safety.
Trafficking in Persons
Trafficking in persons is a modern-day form of slavery. Trafficking victims are typically forced, defrauded or coerced into the sex services industries or into situations where their labor is exploited. Human trafficking is among the fastest growing criminal activities, occurring both worldwide and in individual countries. Annually, at least 600,000 – 800,000 people, mostly women and children, are trafficked across borders worldwide, including 14,500 – 17,500 persons into the United States.
Ending trafficking in persons is a U.S. priority. In addition to issuing the congressionally-mandated Trafficking in Persons Report, which has helped generate tremendous government action globally, since 2001, the U.S. has provided almost $300 million to support anti-trafficking programs to 120+ countries. The State Department’s annual report on trafficking in persons is an important tool in our fight against this global problem. The report details international and U.S. efforts to end trafficking in persons, to protect and help victims, and prosecute those who treat people like commodities or keep them in slave-like conditions. The Annual Trafficking in Persons Report was released on June 5 and is available on the State Department’s website on Human Trafficking.
Dates & Venue: December 2, United Nations
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