International Day Against Homophobia
An occasion to think and celebrate

Few minority groups have been as discriminated against as gays and lesbians. Although cinema and television shows feature lesbian and gay characters, public personalities come out and in some states gay marriage is now legal, being gay is still an everyday struggle in too many parts of the world.
In eighty countries homosexuality is still considered illegal and in seven of them homosexual acts are punishable by death.
The International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) is an opportunity to take action and engage into dialogue with the media, policy makers and civil society as well as an occasion to highlight positive aspects of homosexuality and celebrate the contribution of lesbians and gays to society.
Every year the International Day Against Homophobia represents a moment to start an awareness campaign on sexual diversity. This year’s campaign’s theme is Same-sex couple – A story of love, since too often people perceive being gay or lesbian in a narrow way in which sexual orientation is reduced to just sex, while just as for opposite-sex couples, same-sex couples form out of emotions and romantic feelings.
May 17 was chosen as the day of the event as this date represents a milestone in the gays and lesbians’ fight for civil rights. On May 17 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases. The International Day Against homophobia was officially marked for the first time by EU institutions last year, in 2010.
Check out the events and celebrate www.homophobiaday.org
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