
International companies adopt innovative interactive ethical training programmes

Staff retention and training is perceived as the biggest challenge to companies in the next 5-10 years

di Staff

A new informal poll by Ethical Corporation Institute (ECI) has found that companies feel they will struggle not only to retain staff, but to train old and new employees appropriately. Many employers believe training is key in boosting morale, motivation, and increase retention.

A report published this week by ECI Best Practices for Designing Effective Ethics Programmes takes a look at exactly how multi-nationals like Coca-Cola, Merck, Dell, and Novartis have created effective ethics training programmes.

RESULTS from a new ECI Poll – CSR Challenge – What will be your company’s biggest challenge in the next 5-10 years?

  • Staff retention and training – 23%
  • Ethical supply chains – 18%
  • Climate change – 17%
  • Communicating CSR effectivelty – 16%
  • Water management – 10%
  • Waste reduction – 8%
  • Mitigating corruption – 7%

Most international companies have developed ethics policies over the last decade. However, the changing social expectation of businesses is driving many to revise their existing policies. Corporate ethics programmes are shifting from a “list of rules” to more interactive models.

Best Practices for Designing Effective Ethics Programmes notes the corporate ethics department at Coca-Cola who have developed a specific leadership training programme – tailored to the needs of its senior managers.

Sessions are run in-person by the corporate ethics team. The president of the local business unit in session will launch the training session with a personal message to emphasis its importance.

The Chief Ethics Officer at global pharmaceutical company Merck believes in leading on ethics from the top and takes personal responsibility for equipping those charged with ethics training duties. Merck also targets employees they consider to be at “high risk” of being affected by corruption with tailored training.

Tim Mazur, Chief Operating Officer at the Ethics and Compliance Officers’ Association knows effective ethics training is vital to a company’s success. He argues that there is no question it is better to be confident that all potential avenues have been covered.

Limiting the scope of your training programme, he continues, leaves your company vulnerable.


Ethical Corporation Institute is the research arm of Ethical Corporation.

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