Impact Hub Fellowship for a Long and Full Life

An international programme, created by Impact Hub together with AXA Seguros and Swiss Re Foundation, to support entrepreneurs and social innovators tackling the challenges linked to the ageing population and the increase in human’s life expectancy.

di Staff

The “Impact Hub Fellowship for a Long and Full Life” is an international programme aimed at supporting entrepreneurs and social innovators to tackle the challenges linked to ageing population and the increase in life expectancy. 
Created in 2013 by AXA Seguros, Swiss Re Foundation and Impact Hub, the Impact Hub Fellowship for a Long and Full Life forms part of an international program which is implemented in the Impact Hubs of Milan, London, Oaxaca and Madrid. 
Participants will put their ideas to the test in order to win more than 25.000 Euros in seed capital, a monthly grant which will allow them to focus on their project, and the right to use the necessary working space for a whole year. They will also receive additional training and consulting support, as well as being granted access to Impact Hub’s, Swiss Re Foundation’s and AXA Seguros’s networks. 
The programme looks for feasible and scalable projects which have the potential to bring about change and have a positive impact in ageing population within the following fields:
-Family life organization
-Education and learning methods
-Working and economic life
-Public services 
How does it work?
The programme consists of two training phases preceded by a period of acceptance of candidacies and selection of the finalist projects.
Candidacy phase  and Selection:
The call opened on May 12 and will close on June 20, 2014. During this period a workshop on development of business ideas will be offered to help those people who are  interested and also to help them define their  idea, as well as to improve their candidacy. 
The evaluation committee will select a maximum of six candidate projects  as semi-finalists. They will be given  a workshop on skills to present their projects in public. On July 21, they will make a presentation of up to 10 minutes  maximum in front of the jury. Of these semifinalists, three candidates will be selected for the "Mission" phase, which starts on September 8, 2014.
Mission Phase:
The three final candidates will each receive a  a monthly grant of € 600 for 3 months, three-month unlimited membership at the Impact Hub, plus advice and support for the planning and development of the project (during the months of September, October and November). A candidate of this  phase will be selected as the winner of Impact Hub Fellowship in early December 2014.
Incubation phase:
The winning project of Impact Hub Fellowship will  receive € 10,000 in seed capital (subject to compliance with the agreement and established goals), as well as € 600 grant per month for nine additional months of for the whole phase (from December 2014 to August 2015) . The winning project will also receive nine months of unlimited membership to the  Impact Hub Madrid, where they will have the necessary support and advice to develop the project and access  local and international networks through the three promoting organizations and associated networks.
What can be won? 
Seed Capital
Financial support of:
Finalists: € 1800 (a monthly grant of € 600  for 3 months)
Impact Hub Fellow: € 17.200 (a monthly grant of € 600 for 9 months plus a single payment of € 10.000)
Working space
Impact Hub Membership Without Limits 
Finalists: 3 months (worth € 725) 
Impact Hub Fellow: 12 months (worth  € 2900)
Support from Impact Hub Madrid, AXA and Swiss Re Foundation for making contacts and networking: access to investors, partners, contributors, other entrepreneurs, media and much more … 
Finalists: 3 months 
Impact Hub Fellow: 12 months
Training and Support: mentoring, business training, expert support, access to talent networks 
Finalists: 3 months 
Impact Hub Fellow: 12 months

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