Non profit

Hungary: contributors

di Alissa Evans

Thanks to the following people for their priceless contributions:

Barbara Erõs, Project Manager and Advisor at the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights, Budapest

Barbara Eros, a cultural anthropologist, is the strategic program officer of the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet Hungary). She is involved in lobby and advocacy work for international development matters in Hungary, but has also implemented projects in the Western Balkans strengthening cooperation between CSOs and local authorities. She also works on capacity building and monitoring of Hungarian NGOs, helping their preparation for EU accession and EU project design, implementation and evaluation. Previously, she was the country representative of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, a US headquartered international organization, in Hungary and Slovenia.

She represents DemNet on the board of the Hungarian NGDO Platform – HAND, is a board member of the Hungarian Donors Forum, a member of EUCLID Network and CONCORD’s Enlargement, Pre-Accession and Neighbourhood Policy Working Group.


Peter Nizak, Senior Manager, Open Society Institute, Budapest

Peter Nizak has been working in the Hungarian civil sector since the political change in 1990; he was the program coordinator of the Independent Ecological Center, served as director of the USAID Democracy Network Program, program director of Civil Society Development Foundation and executive director of the Hungarian Soros Foundation. In his current position at OSI, he works for the Human Rights and Governance Grant Program and is also responsible for implementing the Emergency Fund, extra budget provided by George Soros to combat the financial and societal crisis throughout the region, in Hungary. Peter is also editor-in-chief of the Hungarian periodical Civil Szemle (Civil Review), a scientific review of the civil sector. Peter holds an MA in Community Development and is currently a PhD candidate at the ELTE University, Institute of Political Science.


Anna Mária Bartal, Associate Professor at Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Institute of Sociology, Budapest

Anna Mária first encountered the non profit sector at a seminar in 1992 and immediately became fascinated by its novelty and interdisciplinary approach. While working on her Master’s, there were intense debates going on about restructuring the welfare services in Hungary and she decided to dedicate her thesis to the investigation of the historical roots of the collaboration between state, market and the civil sector. In 1999, she was the first Sociologist in Hungary to be awarded a PhD on the subject of the non profit sector. She is now Associate Professor of Sociology at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, where she has also been Director of the program “Sociology of the non profit sector and of the civil society.”


Thanks also to the following people for their extremely helpful input:

Ádám Cziboly

Eszter Simor

Zoltán Fehér

Balazs Sator

Sarkadi Nagy Emese

Zoltan Kmetty

Bíró Imola

Gabriella Benko


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