Non profit

Hungary: Consumer’s forum now online

Finally Hungarian consumers have somewhere to go to find out about their rights. A new online service answers their questions and warns them against bad deals

di Kriszta Maria Takacs

A new website is online for Hungarian consumers – Here, experts will answer questions about consumer protection within 30 hours of their posting. Soon, lists of producers, services and goods which mislead consumers will also be published.

In Hungary there is a big need for these kinds of initiatives as there is much to suggest that Hungarian consumers are far from being conscious of their rights.

The majority of Hungarians do not know where to go or what to do if a shop assistant refuses to change a damaged or faulty product, if the handyman charges them for a badly done job or if a waiter over-charges them.

Unlike other parts of Europe, where consumer complaints are handled by civil organizations, in Hungary there is still a state-owned office to deal with these issues and it is not able to handle the thousands of notices it receives.

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