Non profit
Human rights magazine is born
“Dialogue” will try to develop synergies among activists and the public administration
di Staff

A name, a mission.
The aims of this new bi-monthly magazine recently launched in Turkey, in fact, are those of bringing together individuals working in the field of human rights, improving communication, collaboration and solidarity among institutions, and strengthening the dialogue of these actors with public administration.
Not an easy challenge for a country where, according to the Amnesty International Report 2009, reports of torture and other ill-treatment increased, dissenting views were met with prosecution and intimidation, unfair trials and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity persisted.
We at VITA Europe talked about this challenge to Feray Salman, member of the editorial board of the publication and general coordinator of the Human Rights Joint Platform (IHOP).
What are the main themes of Dialogue for Human Rights Journal?
The first issue (May-June) is on the rule of Law; the second issue will be on disappearances.
Regular features of the magazine will be a “Human Rights Calendar”, listing important events and days; news on human rights from Turkey and around the world; “alternative hero stories” on human rights struggles and activists; culture/art related to human rights and a historical perspective on human rights.
Who conceived the magazine?
This is a production of the Human Rights Joint Platform (IHOP), made up of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, the Human Rights Association (IHD), the Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with the Oppressed (MAZLUMDER) and the Turkey branch of Amnesty International.
Who is the ideal reader of the magazine?
This bi-monthly journal is for all involved in the promotion of human rights in Turkey, including members of civil society organisations and of the public administration.
One of the aims is to strengthen dialogue among institutions and with public administration; how will you face this task?
Academicians, activists, civil servants, students, researchers will be the authors of this publication, which will therefore provide a ground for the different opinions and works carried out from institutions and the public administration.
How is Diyalog magazine financed?
It is financed by the Danish Human Rights Institute.
Where to find it? Is there an English version?
Diyalog is available on the internet for free (click here to view it), but unfortunately in Turkish only.
Additional sources:
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