How to facilitate volunteering

Interview with Pavel Trantina, chair of the EESC Coordination Group on the EYV

di Ottavia Spaggiari

“Since 2006, the EESC has been calling for the introduction of a European Charter for Volunteering which would set basic principles for the rights and responsibilities of volunteers. This goes hand-in-hand with the efforts of the European Youth Forum.” Pavel Trantina, chair of the EESC Coordination Group on the EYV speaks clearly about the situation of volunteering in Europe.

Vita Europe: What are the projects that are being developed by the EESC Coordination Group on the EYV?

Pavel Trantina: We aim to start up a discussion between employers, trade unions and nongovernmental organisations on how to facilitate volunteering at EU level. For this reason we are organising a series of public hearings, in cooperation with the EYV 2011 Alliance.

Vita Europe: What are your impressions of the EYV 2011 so far?

Trantina: The events and the campaigns that have been launched have given great visibility to volunteering activities. What we need is to ensure the long lasting legacy of the EYV 2011. The draft proposal of the Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe is going in the right direction.

Vita Europe: What do you expect from the EYV 2011?

Trantina: People engaged in volunteer work acquire skills, such as teamwork and problem solving that are highly prized in the labour market. We need to develop the means to recognise the results of non-formal education.

Vita Europe: Where does your passion for volunteering come from?

Trantina: I’ve been volunteering for twenty years as a scout. Scouting encourages active citizenship and thanks to it I got involved in the National Youth Council and I became a member of the EESC.

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