Non profit
Hopenhagen: world citizens to lead the leaders
UN's new campaign, to be properly launched in September makes Climate fighters cool
di Staff

The United Nations has joined forces with the International Advertising Association and a coalition of the world’s leading advertising, marketing and media agencies to launch Hopenhagen – a movement empowering global citizens to engage in the December United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
Hopenhagen is a global marketing and communications initiative that aims to inspire and generate mass activation around the world.
It will be modelled as an open source campaign that is powered by the people and created in the voice of global citizens.
The creative inputs from the diverse viewpoints of visitors engaging with the site from around the world will be used to generate online and offline content.
Delegates from 192 nations will meet in December in Copenhagen to ratify a new international global climate treaty, which will take effect when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012.
World leaders will come together to address the climate change issue and seal a deal that will mobilize real change that is needed.
The United Nations engaged the global advertising and media industry through the International Advertising Association (IAA) to develop a comprehensive communications program to drive public awareness and generate action.
Hopenhagen will complement the UN’s “Seal the Deal!” campaign, which calls on world leaders to “unite to find a solution to climate change that is fair, balanced, effective and science-based.”
The strategy and creative concept for the Hopenhagen idea came from WPP’s Ogilvy & Mather team, digital framework and direction were developed by MDC Partner’s Colle+McVoy, and the global PR and messaging plans spearheaded by Omnicom’s Ketchum.
An aggressive consumer launch of Hopenhagen will take place in September 2009 and continue through the UN Climate Change Conference in December and beyond.
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