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Happy Birthday Italy

7-11 July, Turin:an international event to celebrate Italy's 150 anniversary

di Cristina Barbetta

This year, Italy celebrates the 150th anniversary since the unification of the country. ThinkYoung invites you to Turin from the 7th-11th of July 2011, for a once in a lifetime celebration with 500 students!
The movement that led to Italian unification was guided by young people who, despite their social, cultural and political differences, decided to exploit a common momentum. Happy Birthday Italy is an event aimed at bringing back to life the spirit of the young rebels of the Risorgimento: for young people to share ideas and give a renewed impetus to intercultural understanding, democracy, respect, diversity, human rights, solidarity and active citizenship in Europe. Discuss Europe, discover Turin and party with students from across Europe and beyond!

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Cosa fa VITA?

Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è  grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.