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Greenpeace activists protest in Barcelona

Banners to save the climate hanging from Sagrada Familia's cranes.

di Staff

Twenty members of the ecological pressure group Greenpeace staged a protest against climate change in Barcelona on Monday, where the fourth round of the U.N. climate change talks this year kicked off on the same day.

The Greenpeace members suspended a 600-square-meter banner bearing the message “World Leaders make the climate call,” from the outside of the famous Sagrada Familia church.

Greenpeace also hung two more banners from the giant cranes outside of the building with the message “Save the Climate.”

The Sagrada Familia, which was designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi, is perhaps the most famous building in Barcelona.

The protest coincides with the start of the five-day U.N. climate change talks, during which delegates from nearly 180 countries will try to address the pressing issues of climate change. The meeting is the fifth U.N. session this year. — Xinhua




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