Non profit
Green power becomes a hip option
The reasons? No more price difference with standard electricity and lower generation subsidy for solar panels as of 2010.
di Staff
Almost a third of all families that take out a new contract for energy opt for so-called green power, a survey by the Flemish energy regulator, VREG, amongst thousands of families and companies has shown.
Eight percent of Flemish families and 16 percent of companies already use green power and the phenomenon appears to be evoking interest amongst the large majority of Flemish families.
The rise of sustainable power has gone hand-in-hand with the fact that the price difference with grey standard electricity no longer exists.
Ecopower, which produces all its energy through sustainable means, has succeeded in providing one of the cheapest rates formulas to families, as has emerged from a pricing comparison by the VREG.
But what is striking too is the dramatic divergence in the prices of the green power suppliers.
Solar power has witnessed a particularly notable rise in popularity this year, with between four and five thousand photovoltaic panels installed every month, as opposed to 2,600 in June.
Installers are fully booked, while the rush on panels can be attributed to the decision of the Flemish government to lower the generation subsidy as of 2010.
The price of green energy certificates will then go down from 450 Euros to 350 Euros per megawatt hour.
For horticulturalists, cogeneration power production has become popular, according to data from the VREG.
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