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Global ministerial forum on research for health
A Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health will take place in Bamako, Mali, from 17 to 19 November 2008.
di Staff
WHO is organizing it in partnership with the Council on Health Research for Development, the Global Forum for Health Research, the Government of Mali, UNESCO and the World Bank.
The “research for health” theme reflects the need to link global health research with research in non-health sectors (e.g. agriculture, environment and social determinants of health). Particular attention will be paid to research in the African context. The purpose of the forum is to:
strengthen leadership, and increase commitment from countries and donors, in research and innovation for health;
strengthen inter-ministerial coordination of research policies, and inter-sectoral collaboration in research;
improve systems capabilities to generate and apply new knowledge to improve health outcomes;
develop coherence and connectivity among the many different stakeholders in this field, emphasizing the need for harmonization among donors; and
earn greater public trust by increasing the openness and accountability of research and innovation for health.
Up to 650 participants are expected to attend the event. They will include 100 ministers, researchers and experts, and representatives of civil society and the private sector.
Dates & venue: November 17-19, Bamako, Mali
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