MyBnk, an
award-winning UK charity that delivers financial and enterprise education to youth from 11 to 25 in schools and youth organizations, invites you to donate during 4-6 December and your impact on the frontline of financial education will be doubled by The Big Give!
The fundraising target is £ 40,000.
MyBnk will deliver MONEY TWIST, a high-energy financial programme to young people. The programme will be delivered in schools, colleges and youth organisations across England. Every £20, doubled to £40, will equip two young people with real life money skills, including budgeting and savings, busting banking jargon, increasing young people’s financial capability and helping them plan for their future financial needs, avoiding unsustainable debt.
What you need to do:
–Log on: at Big Give on the 4th, 5th or 6th December
–Donate: as little or as much as you can (Up to £3,000 from any one individual can be doubled. Donations must be made from individuals, not charitable trusts or companies.)
There is a big need for financial and enterprise education in the UK, where personal debt is at a record of £ 1.4 trillion, around £9,000 per person. This is not surprising given that 90 per cent of adults in the UK have never been exposed to any kind of financial education.
Young people are not being taught the money skills needed in life, leaving them financially excluded and in debt. Half of 17 years olds are or have been in debt, and over a quarter of the UK population have no savings at all.
MyBnk, which was founded by Lily Lapenna, who is also Co-CEO at MyBnk as well as Young Global Leader 2011, has been working since 2007 to create a financially literate generation who are able to budget, break down jargon and assess risk, empowering them to take control of their finances, therefore reducing the risk of young people falling into the trap of unsustainable debt and a life of poverty. MyBnk have worked with over 100,000 young people in over 500 organisations.
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