Non profit

Germany: useful links

di Staff it is the Centre of Competence for Civil Society, Foundations, Philanthropy, Charities. It is made up of an institute, whose mission is to promote knowledge and understanding of civil society and private philanthropy through academic research, documentation and information, and exchanges between academics, public leaders and professionals in the field; a publishing house; a centre supporting civil society research; an organization to make international giving easier and more transparent; a consulting centre specialized in the non-profit sector. database of information on the German non-profit sector for associations; it is possible to register at a newsletter about the topic. the Social Science Research Centre Berlin is the largest institution of its kind in Europe; it conducts basic social science research in selected problem areas. it offers lots of information about civic engagement and participation. It helps in dealing with the variety of information available (in German only). the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen (Association of German Foundations) represents the interests of the foundations in Germany vis-à-vis the general public, politics and public authorities. Its task is to enable foundations to work effectively and achieve their goals set for the future. To this end, it lobbies for an improvement of the legal framework of foundation law and foundation tax law. It aims at maintaining and furthering a foundation-friendly climate. magazine of foundations (in German only). it is the business community’s innovation agency whose goal is to improve the quality of the science system. Through its programmes it wants to ensure the sciences retain their reputation and high standard of quality for the long term. it is the only independent authority for all questions pertaining to community foundations in Germany. Its aims are: advising new initiatives, helping existing foundations work more professionally, building a network to facilitate exchange among community foundations in Germany and creating public awareness of the concept (see also: Bertelsmann Stiftung, Klaus Tschira Stiftung and Koerber Stiftung, founders of the authority). official website for community service in Germany (in German only). bank for the social economy. It delivers assistance to institutions and organizations engaged in social and health field (in German only). cooperative for consulting and financing, in particular oriented to ecological-social matters (in German only). it finances investments of private companies in developing and transition countries to contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living conditions. it finances companies, institutions and projects that add cultural value and benefit people and the environment, with the support of depositors and investors who want to encourage corporate social responsibility and a sustainable society. It has as offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Spain, and an agency in Germany. community bank for loans and gifts; it was the first social and ecological bank in Germany, and it finances social, ecological and cultural forward-looking enterprises.


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