Germany: Save Heuersdorf! Stop lignite mining
Campaign to stop lignite mining: write to Merkel, let your voice be heard.
di Staff
Lignite, or brown coal, is the main domestic fuel resource in Germany. In contrast with the diminishing global reserves and increasing prices of natural gas and oil, lignite appears to offer long-term energy security. The deposits lie close to the surface, allowing relatively inexpensive strip mining to be employed.
However, lignite is ultimately very costly to use because of factors not reflected in market prices. According to a study by the Wuppertal Institute, released by the German environmental ministry in October 2004, the financial burdens of environmental and health detriments are estimated at a minimum of EUR 3.5 billion annually. When the comprehensive effects of climate change and a number of indirect subsidies are added, the total hidden costs of lignite use may be as high as EUR 35 billion per year.
Rather than reducing lignite consumption to enhance environmental integrity, liberal operating permits have been granted to the mining companies under the Federal Mining Act. This policy means a continuous destruction of valuable environments, among them the medieval village of Heuersdorf in Saxony
Make your voice heard!
The Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain and the ?Für Heuersdorf? Association ( are conducting a postcard and e-mail campaign addressed to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Send an e-mail to Mrs Merkel by visiting
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