According to the Global Civil Society – An Overview Report (Salamon et al., 2003), the non-profit sector includes the equivalent of 1,440,900 FTE paid employees (1995 data).
The 2007 Report The Social Economy in the European Union edited by the European Economic and Social Committee highlights that, in Germany, the third sector’s paid employment is split up as follow:
– co-operatives: 466,900 employees;
– mutual societies: 150,000 employees;
– associations: 1,414,937 employees,
for a total of 2,031,837 paid employees.
The Global Civil Society – An Overview Report (Salamon et al., 2003; 1995 data) highlights that “Social services” is the field that hires the highest percentage of paid workforce in the German third sector: 38.0% of the whole civil society FTE paid employment.
The health sector follows, amounting at 30.6% of the total civil society FTE paid employment.
Foundations are instead the less important entities in the German scenario, accounting for only 0.4% of the whole third sector FTE paid employees.
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