
G8 summit: is NGO credibility at stake?

As the G8 summit approaches NGOs and other anti-globalisation groups have begun to muster their forces, but this time their credibility may be at stake

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As the G8 summit approaches NGOs and other anti-globalisation groups have begun to muster their forces. The counter-summit that will take place at Heiligendamm between the 5th-7th June, is organised by more than 20 organisations and will promote a number of activities and forums under the well known motto Another world is possible. But to the question ?will this be just another summit?? it seems the answer may be a no. This time credibility is at stake ? not just government credibility, but also that of NGOs.

One of the novelties of this summit is the G8 NGO-Platform, an international platform made up of about eighty NGOs all of whom have subscribed to a document – Testing the Credibility of the Powerful: Concrete Action for Environment and Development ? that outline detailed requests to G8 country governments regarding themes such as Africa, Aids, climate change, intellectual property rights, biodiversity, world trade and the management of funds for developing nations. Although their stance is one that is highly critical of G8 policy it can been considered a real attempt to open a dialogue with G8 government representatives.

In a meeting held at Bonn last April eight government deputies, the so called G8 ?sherpas?, met with over NGO 300 representatives and it would seem that this initial dialogue has been successful. Governments were especially satisfied: ?our political agenda cannot really be criticised by NGOs? said Chancellor Merkel?s ?sherpa, Bernd Pfaffenbach; indeed, the reduction of CO2 emissions is one of the issues that Mrs. Merkel is most passionate about. However, when it came to Africa, which was the second issue dealt with at the meeting, the stance taken by governments was seen to unsatisfactory. ?We believe that Merkel?s promises regarding the fight against Aids, and funds for development but we want facts and numbers ? said Bodo Ellmers, spokes person for Venro, the German federation of development organisations – since the summit in 2005 many things have remained unchanged.?

From within the anti-globalisation movement, the dialogue with G8 governments was met with scepticism and much criticism; many believe that by NGOs are legitimising the G8 summit. Criticisms came especially from radical left wing groups like Attac and BUKO, an international organisation made up of groups that support developing countries and who has also published a document in which they doubt NGO credibility. ?Whether this approach that brings us closer to governments is to prove more useful to them or to civil society remains to be seen – says Mona Bricke, a spokesperson for the NGO-Platform ? NGOs lie in between two worlds as they are involved in the movement but are also campaigners, this means that they must be prepared to take risks?. In the end, what will really matter is whether NGOs will be able to make their voice heard.

Info: G8 NGO-Platform

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