France: WECF opens French branch
Women in Europe for a Common Future, a network of 80 women's and environmental NGOs in 37 countries, has officially opened their French branch at the end of March
di Staff
On the 31st of March, Women in Europe for a Common Future officially opened their French branch joining the existing offices in Holland and Germany. The AGM took place at the Zango Bar in the presence of 20 founding members, including Bettina Laville, Counsellor of State. She is an important political figure for France in ecology and sustainable development as a co-founder of the Comité 21 and a member of several Environment Ministries from 1991 to 2001. Mrs Laville is also the founder and President of the association Mouvement Vraiment Durable. She decided to support WECF France because she believes that "women have a vital role to play in the field of sustainable development".
Among the other individuals present were partner organisations and members from the NGO world, journalists and members of the Ministry of the Ecology and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Health and different foundations that support WECF in its projects.
WECF France: What are its Objectives?
In response to the question ?Why create an office in France?? Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of WECF responded provocatively with a counter-question ?Does WECF need France or does France need a network in Eastern Europe?? Indeed, France is not highly involved or visible in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus or Central Asia on questions pertaining to sustainable development or women.
Yet the French government has made climate change one of their priorities, and the ?Grenelle de l?environnement? (French Environment Roundtable) has really mobilized civil society, the private sector and the general public. This is why WECF wants to broaden its network in France and involve its new French partners in its various projects throughout the pan European region.
WECF: moving people for a world in balance
WECF is a network of 100 organisations in 30 countries in the Pan European region. WECF strives for a safe environment for all, focussing on four themes: Energy, Water and Sanitation, Rural Development and Safe Food Production, as well as Toxic chemicals.
WECF mobilises women to find affordable solutions to health and environment problems through education and capacity building. Bringing into practice concrete solutions that demonstrate appropriate alternatives are the basis of our policy recommendations and lobbying efforts. WECF encourages the participation of women at all levels of decision making.
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