France : The EQUAL CSR days in Champagne-Ardenne
Three main organizations from France, Italy and Spain will meet on 27, 28, 29 november to set up a new network on Corporate Social Responsability.
di Zesst
According to the french newspaper ?L?Union?, the CSR days scheduled at the end of this month in Aÿ – close to Epernay – will gather several businesses, cooperatives, fundations and non profit organizations from the region Champagne-Ardenne, from Italy and Spain.
The aim will be to launch in the coming months a new CSR network coping especially with employment and training discriminations among migrants, as a result of an EQUAL project linking three Equal project leaders (Aefti Marne, ARCI and CEIM from Valencia).
Some MPEs from the European Parliament have already given their support to this initiative as well as the region Champagne-Ardenne. The French promotor, Karim Bekdache, intends to ?develop sustainable relationships with local/regional authorities, seen as new laboratories for a new Europe “.
The added value of the project is clearly the design of a new partnership between a series of actors, from businesses to non profit bodies. They are together ready to better facilitate and integrate in the labour market the migrants, already EU residents, and to offer them the opportunity to take advantage from the European legislation, and its further implementation.
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