
France: Spreading microcredit facilities

PlaNet Finance reshuffles its strategy and intends to deliver micro-credit also in France.

di Zesst

PlaNet Finance is currently launching a big experimental project in the Rhône-Alpes region in partnership with two main banks. The French Home office is also involved in this operation called ” Entreprendre en Banlieues “, which is targetting for the time being a dozen of urban under-priviledged areas.

If successful, the experiment will be replicated in other parts from France with the support of other non profit associations, like ADIE led by Maria Nowak.

Since the creation of a national fund last year by the Caisse des Dépôts, microcredit has become in France a top priority on the political agenda.

PlaNet Finance is based in Paris but its microfinance actions are generally located in more than 60 countries in the world. After the french october riots, this association struggling for international solidarity has decided to focus part of its activities in the french ” banlieues “, and help may-be entrepreneurs starting generaly from scratch.

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