Non profit

France: social enterprises

di Staff

According to Laurent Fraisse, In France, the concept of “social enterprise” (entreprise sociale) is still a new concept, whose use and understanding remain limited to a circle of experts and social entrepreneurs; it is not really used as a key concept by policymakers and is not well-known to the wider public. [22]

Typically French social enterprises have been set up to tackle social inclusion issues and have taken the form of work integration social enterprise. [22]

In 2004, the 2,300 registered structures providing work-integration services – work-integration enterprises (entreprises d’insertion), temporary work integration enterprises (entreprises de travail temporaire d’insertion), intermediary associations (associations intermédiaires), integration work sites (chantiers d’insertion) – employed some 220,000 salaried workers (DARES 2005). [22]

La Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SCIC)

La Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SCIC) (collective interest social cooperative) was established by French law in 2002. It has been described on the official SCIC site as a type of multi-stakeholder corporation.  [12]

A SCIC organization is outlined as one that produces goods or services that respond to the collective needs of a region; that respects cooperative and corporate French law; that engages in local and durable development; and that displays a collective character by promoting social inclusion. [12]

While an interesting concept the use of this type of legal structure has been limited. In 2007 there were only 97 registered SCIC organizations.[12]

Governement support

Under French law SCIC organizations are eligible to receive government financial support. First, they may benefit from €100, 000 per three years to go towards management costs. Next , the government will cover 15 percent of investment cost or 7.5 percent if the company employs more than 50 people. Finally, the government will pay for 70 percent of all training costs. [23] 

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