France : October Forum for a responsible globalisation

At the end of next October, Lyon will welcome a forum dealing with an « alternative » globalisation of trade, solidarity and finance. Are you willing to participate ?

di Zesst

The purpose of the Lyon Forum for a responsible globalisation is to transform words into action, in other terms to work from reality, initiatives and real practices to produce concrete and conceptualised proposals. During four days (25-28 october 2006), the city of Lyon, home to the development of social utopian thought ? for example, the implementation of the first co-operatives -, will favour the debates among international actors of the economy and the society. The Forum is presented as a process, as a starting point of an approach, rather than a series of conferences and symposiums. Supported by many personalities, among them the President of the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, the event is expecting to attract some 2 000 participants from Europe and over the world.
The three main themes of the Forum are : 1/ Towards a more balanced global chain of production and trade ? 2/ What kind of finance and governance for a fairer development ? 3/Making local areas active partners in globalisation.
Every two years the Forum will gather, while continuing to act as a permanent platform for exchange and for capitalising on new ideas and practices.
In the meantime, an e-forum is open to collect remarks and suggestions.

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