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France: Lourdes attracts young volunteers

For its 150 year anniversary, Lourdes expects to attract 8 thousand pilgrims. An army of volunteers is needed to assist them, many of whom are young. Surprised? Here are their stories

di Staff

Lourdes train station resembles an anthill, teeming with fast moving but apparently confused traffic. The constant flow of passengers is full of obstacles as many of them are pushing carriages, wheelchairs and some even stretchers. Exhaustion, emotion and suffering complete the station?s unique atmosphere, governed by silent but tangible crew members: the thousands of volunteers who have chosen to assist the ill on this pilgrimage full of hope. The volunteers are clearly recognisable for their ?uniforms?, the women look like they have stepped out of another era with their bonnets, headscarves and their blue and white outfits.

This year is a special year for Lourdes, as it marks 150 years since Our lady of Lourdes appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1958. The anniversary has meant that there is an even greater flux of pilgrims than usual, but as Bishop Jaques Perrer explains in an interview: ?finding enough volunteers to assist the ill who flock here has never been a problem for Lourdes?, not even this year when more than 8 thousand pilgrims are expected for the 150 year jubilee. ?In other occasions we have already found that appeals for volunteers always bring unexpected answers? continues Perrin, who adds that ?we have already met the demand for carriers and nurses?.

Afterall, Lourdes is an experience that leaves its mark, even on the younger volunteers who make the journey. Many find Lourdes? attraction a mystery, but a quick read through the blogs and forums that talk about Lourdes helps to understand that there is nothing strange about it after all. Cècile, a young French volunteer, describes her second experience on the sanctuary?s blog: ?What I like best is the chance to create relationships without limits or borders?. She then talks about her most ?full-on? experience: ?this year I was appointed to look after sick children. It was extremely difficult for me to come to terms with their illness, but there were also many moments of fun and happiness, and I discovered a tender side of myself I didn?t know I had.?

Lourdes? 2008 blog space also holds Erwann's tale. He writes from the ?other? side, as he is disabled. ?Volunteers come here with the idea that they will be carrying out a praiseworthy act of unselfishness towards us but they end up discovering that they have received at least as much back from us. And it astonishes them?.

This is the world of Lourdes. So traditional, with those uniforms that look like relics from other times, and yet so contemporary as soon as you dig beneath the surface.

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