
FRANCE: government welcoming foreign students

The Centre d’analyse stratégique will host next year young academics for one year. Applications are welcome.

di Zesst

Created on 6 march 2006 to take over the Commissariat général au Plan, the Centre d?analyse stratégique is a consulting and decision-making support institution under the aegis of the Prime minister. It gives particular attention to the European dimension of the questions it examines, while carrying out studies and analysis on economic, social, environmental and cultural policies.

As part of its 2007 working programme, the Centre is seeking young academics who have recently completed an advanced programme of study in economics, public law, sociology, contemporary history or political science.

Viewed from a French perspective, this announcement is really a remarkable change in human resources policy, that could be explained by the urgent need for the country to address better European and international issues, as well as domestic intercultural problems.

Applications are welcome from 22 december to 31 january 2007, once the 2007 programme has put on line. The selected candidates will begin working by the Centre in next march.


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