France: Dangerous car deal with Germany
Greenpeace warns that Germany and France are looking to secure a "backroom deal" that will allow car companies to escape EU climate commitments. Take action by signing the petition
di Staff
The deceptive duo of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel could cut a climate-bashing backroom deal seriously undermining Europe?s attempts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from cars, Greenpeace warned today. France and Germany are excluding the other 25 EU member states and the European Parliament from private negotiations designed to help their car companies escape climate commitments.
?European car manufacturers are fighting tooth and nail to weaken the first- ever law to reduce car emissions and the leaders of France and Germany are dancing to their tune,? said Franziska Achterberg, Greenpeace EU transport campaigner.
Greenpeace highlighted the danger of the Franco-German backroom deal resulting in seriously weakened EU legislation with a parody of a Sarkozy- Merkel wedding and a ?bridal cortège? of high polluting cars in Paris today.
The transport sector has increased its emissions by around 26% since 1990, with levels continuing to rise. The EU is at present negotiating CO2 standards for cars with the aim of bringing them down to120g CO2/km in 2012, after the industry failed to deliver on a long-standing voluntary commitment.
?This deal could allow carmakers to evade their climate responsibility until 2015 or later by allowing a phase-in of requirements and instituting ridiculously low fines. It must be stopped and any negotiation must involve all 27 EU member states,? said Achterberg.
Main Greenpeace demands:
- 120g CO2/km target in 2012 and 80g CO2/km target in 2020(3)
- company burden-sharing based on vehicle size and not weight
- strong penalties of EUR 150 for every gram above the limit for each vehicle sold to force manufacturers to respect the regulation
Take action
Sign the Greenpeace e-petition
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