
France: Ashoka opened office in january

Ashoka, a global organization that invests in social entrepreneurs, has an office in France.

di Zesst

Ashoka, founded by Bill Drayton, a former McKinsey&Co consultant, has opened a french office in january.

Encouraging young people to start their own social businesses is now the top priority of the new French office. A huge part of the new social economy being in France quite dependent from public monies, the Ashoka endeavour bears on linking better the private sector to the emerging sectors of activity – developed by newcomers involved in social and environmental innovation -, by expanding business sponsorship.

Ashoka’s mission is to shape a citizen sector that is entrepreneurial, productive and globally integrated, and to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. Ashoka has invested in more than 1,700 Ashoka fellows in 60 countries since 25 years to bring some change in national policies.

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