Non profit

Family friendly? Here’s a prize for you

The Italian region of Lombardy awards family friendly businesses, institutions and non profit organisations with a special prize

di Staff

Three is the magic number and three are the kinds of organisations that this prize will be selecting: companies, public institutions and non profit organisations. It is the first time that the “FamigliaLavoro”, family-work, prize awarded by Lombardy’s regional authorities in collaboration with Altis (part of Milan’s Sacro Cuore University training facility) will be open to the third sector. Three is also the number of years the prize has been running for – 70 companies and 33 public institutions participated to the last two editions. The prize is awarded to those organisations and companies that have demostrated high standards of excellence in finding solutions that help their staff reconcile work-family commitments.

To apply your company or organisation has to have their offices, or one of their offices, in Lombardy. To find out more visit:

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