Family and reproduction: is the Pope right?

di Filippo Addarii

Everywhere babies are popping out, lesbians back on the right path towards maternity and homosexuals into fathering despite the dirty nappies. This is a time for change not just for bankers. Is the family back and reproduction the new trend? Definitively sex, drug, rock’n roll doesn’t shock anymore.

This crisis might be actually a new dawn for the family. This is a crisis of the liberal life-style – materialism, democracy and free market – and the family represents the alternative. It’s also a solution for all those kicked out off the show. It has worked for my brother. It could work for everybody. It has always worked over the centuries: everybody is able to get married and make a child. It’s a solid and tangible achievement, the opposite of an investment in structured financial products.

However, I’m doubtful about the traditional family. There aren’t the economic conditions. We must reinvent the family. Refresh it to re-launch it. Therefore, I’ve got into the business of family.

I’ve been promoting family values and reproduction for a while. Several female friends ask ‘my hand’ to conceive and raise a family. Finally, I accepted the invitation of my best friend: I will join his family.

My adorable best friend A., a crowned homosexual and social entrepreneur, has nested in central London where C., a rising star in the lesbian writers’ community, and I will move to raise the child which the 2 are producing with the help of NHS, so home-made not imported!

This will be the model of the new family liberated by the emotional concerns of 20th century bourgeoisie – love and fidelity – and entirely focused on reproduction as the Pope often reminds us. Divorce and abortion will decay, wiping-out fundamentalists on both sides.

We will be adults committed for the rest of our lives to take care of each other and our offspring. Without mentioning the advantage that this family will be able to welcome new elements as long as we extend the property. International magazines are queuing for an interview!

Gay marriage looks such an old fashion institution, suitable for declining politicians like Zapatero, when I picture  about what the 21st century family will look like soon. Are you ready for it?

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