
EYV2011: The Giving Atlas

A European website for European active citizens launches on July 13 in Rome

di Staff

“Be the change you want to see in the world”. Mahatma Gandhi’s words echo the purpose that a new web platform called the Giving Atlas being launched on Wednesday in the ambit of the European Year for Volunteering seeks to promote: active citizenship in Europe.

This English language website, created by the Italian organisation of volunteer centres CSVnet and VitaEurope’s sister company, Vita, will publish news articles and events surrounding the world of volunteering as well as the stories of Europe’s volunteers in order to encourage people across Europe to participate in the non profit sector, perhaps by becoming active citizens themselves.

The Giving Atlas has been inspired by the Web 2.0 philosophy and encourages readers to interact with the articles and volunteer experiences by leaving a comment, voting the most interesting stories and expressing the degree to which what they have read has had an impact on their lives. At the end of each article or story readers are asked whether the sroty activated, changed or inspired them, or whether it simply “left me cold”.

The aim that this website has set itself is ambitious: getting more people to join the over 100 million European volunteers who choose to give away their time, skills and dedication to worthy causes. The website is an atlas of giving in the sense that it not only inspires but also activates: through a volunteer matching platform included in the website, people seeking volunteering opportunities are put in touch with organisations seeking volunteers.

“The Giving Atlas is Italy’s answer to the European Year for Volunteering”, said Riccardo Bonacina, president of Vita, ahead of the launch. “This website makes it easier for volunteers to find opportunities and vice versa and will provide a clear and accessible information about volunteering events and news not just for Italy but for the whole of Europe”.

The Giving Atlas will be launched on Wednesday July 13 during the Italian leg of the European Year for Volunteering tour which arrived in Rome on Monday for a four day event dedicated to active citizenship and volunteering.  

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