
European strategy in favour of mountain massifs

Chamonix will host the European conference on European strategies in favour of Mountain massifs in December 11.

di Staff

In the framework of the French Presidency of the EU, the European Association of Mountain regions (AEM) are inviting you in Chamonix on the 11th of December at the Congress hall “Le Majestic” in Chamonix Mont-Blanc for a European conference on:

“What future for a European strategy in favour of mountain massifs?
A renewed vision of multi-level governance, sustainable development and territorial cohesion”.

This conference is labellised and sustained by the French Presidency of the European Union (PFUE).

It is the second part of a three events period on the challenges of mountain ranges organised during the French Presidency.
This initiative has been sustained by Mr. Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Secretary of State in charge of European affairs and the Prime minister, François Fillon.

Currently, the European Union has to manage the diversity of its territories within 27 Member States and 260 Regions, in the context of reduced budget and an economy crisis, within globally the same frame which has been in 80’s for 12 Western countries.
How to rethink the governance of the EU and the functioning of its various institutional levels, valorise potentials of its various territories, with a particular attention to permanent constraints of some of them (mountains, islands, large Scandinavian North, etc.)?

In the frame of this debate on the objective of the territorial cohesion of the EU, the European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Regions organises a conference labellised « the French Presidency of the European Union », on the 11th December 2008 in Chamonix,.
Mr. Hubert Falco, State secretary for spatial planning, will contribute to this debate which should provide the position of European mountain regions on questions asked by The European Commission.

In order to achieve its objectives of sustainable development, growth and jobs and adaptation to climate change, Europe should adapt its strategies to territorial specificities, through approaches which should be more integrated and less sectoral, less pyramid-shaped and technocratic, but bottom up approaches, more based on partnerships.

In the case of mountain regions, the opportunity of this debate is based on the possibility to find a pertinent level of strategy and action. The policy for massifs, strengthening the solidarity between mountains, valleys and piedmont (or between towns, peri-urban and rural areas), as well as territorial cooperation programs (Interreg), or interdepartmental conventions, (Alpine convention) are interesting reference points which could help European institutions, States, local and regional authorities, supported by socio-professionals, Natural parks and NGOs, to define strategic orientations for Alpine space, Carpathian range, Greater South-West, Mediterranean mountains and Balkans.

These transnational and multi-regional strategies should find, between towns in valleys, a necessary support for action in favour of a more sustainable development and valorise growth and jobs, or even adaptation to climate change.

These subjects will be discussed with European experts, mountain regions representatives and sustainable development actors, on the 11th December 2008, The International day of Mountains, in Chamonix.


Dates & Venue: December 11, Chamonix, France.

Find out more: http://www.promonte-aem.net



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