Non profit

Europe: The hub: a global human rights platform

If you are interested in human rights and believe that now is no longer the time to passively sit back and just watch what is going on in the world, visit the beta Hub

di Vita Sgardello

If you are interested in human rights and believe that now is no longer the time to passively sit back and just watch what is going on in the world, visit the beta Hub ( Here you can watch videos, youtube style, about all kinds of human rights violations across the world, as well as see photographs and listen to audio files. But you can also upload your own videos, join campaigns or start campaigns of your own, as well as comment on and share what you see.

The idea behind the hub is to get active, using all the latest Web 2.0 technology to: See it, film it, change it! And for many the best is yet to come – you do not have to be anglo-speaking to be part of the Hub, as it can be viewed in French and Spanish as well, which may well explain why the Hub's largest community is Alive in Mexico.

This easy to use, socially minded interactive community has embraced the new media principles, setting the standards for future human rights campaigning. The hub breaks down barriers, like language, geography and time making campigning possible for all of us, with the click of the mouse.

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