
EU: Take action against illegal logging

Greenpeace has launched a Europe wide campaign to bring an end to illegal logging. On July 23rd EU Commissioners will vote to decide whether a new logging law is neccessary to stop deforestation

di Staff

Surely you can't import illegally logged timber and sell it in Europe, right? Wrong.

There's an important EU vote on July 23rd, which should close this illegal logging loophole. The European Commission has ignored the need for a new law for almost five years. Even now European Commission President José Manuel Barroso is being lobbied by companies who profit from illegal timber to reject legislation.

Greenpeace has launched an oniline campaign to ask the public to support their campaign to pursuade European Commissioners to vote "YES" and bring an end to illegal logging on July 23rd.

"Public pressure is absolutely essential now to urge the Commission to help protect the world's forests and climate", says Greenpeace.

To join the campaign:

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