Non profit
EU: Sustainability: essay competition for under 30’s
Vinyl 2010 is launching an essay competition to engage young people in sustainable development. Aspiring young journalists and sustainable development enthusiasts encouraged
di Staff
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
Bruntland Commission (1987)
Vinyl 2010, the organisation representing the European PVC industry's Voluntary Commitment to sustainability wants to engage young people on sustainable development. Aspiring young journalists and sustainable development enthusiasts are encouraged to participate for the prize of ?3,000 and publication on leading environment news service ENDS.
The Essay Competition is open to 18-30 year old citizens of the European Economic Area. 1000-word journalistic submissions in English are welcomed responding to the question ?Are sustainable development and economic growth mutually exclusive?'
The Essay Competition will be judged by an independent panel of European sustainable development experts, who will guarantee the integrity and authority of the competition. More information on the Essay Competition can be found on
Vinyl 2010 is a Partnership registered with the Secretariat of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
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