EU: Penalty protest day blocked
Poland has vetoed the establishment of a continent wide protest against capital punishment. All other EU governments push for a day against the death penalty - the 10th October
di Staff
October 10th will not be Europe?s day of protest against the death penalty. Poland has vetoed the establishment of a continent wide protest against capital punishment and calls for the parallel condemnation of abortion and euthanasia.
Poland is the only EU country that does not support the proposal and the only EU country to openly support the return of the death penalty. Polish president, Lech Kaczynski, says that the absence of capital punishment gives the criminal ?an unimaginable advantage? over his victim and that abolishing the death penalty is one of the "blind alleys" of Eestern civilisation.
Capital punishment is outlawed in Europe and is one of the conditions of EU membership. ?The death penalty is not compatible with European values? said a spokesman of the European Commission, Stefaan de Rynck. In numerous occasions the EU has stated it?s belief that elimination of the death penalty is fundamental to the protection of human dignity, and to the progressive development of human rights.
Poland?s opposition has, reportedly, exasperated many EU governments because unanimous support is required before the day of protest can be implemented. Further, many hope that the UN will soon approve a global moratorium to abolish capital punishment, especially in light of the upboming General Assembly that will be held in New York.
?A death penalty free world is increasingly becoming a real possibility but to achieve that goal there must be strong political leadership and a well-crafted strategy to create global support?, said Martin MacPherson, Director of the International Law and Organisations Programme at Amnesty International.
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